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Our Calling
Our Vision - That every person has a relationship with God through Christ.
Our Mission - To live as a people of Faith, to share God's love, and to be a voice of hope.
Our Goals -
· To be a voice of and for Hope by responding to the needs of our local community.
· To encourage every person through the missional activities of our church to develop their relationship with God.
· To encourage and enable every person to develop their faith through Christian interaction and the study of the bible.
· We aim to be a church that is inclusive to all.
Please do contact us if you have any questions or if we can be of help to you
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Kirkham Methodist Church
Morning Worship
Sunday 16th February 2025 - 10:30am
All are welcome to join us for our Sunday Morning Service on 16th February at 10:30 am which will be led by Rev Janet Pybon and will include the service of Holy Communion.
Sunday School and Creche available.
Please do join us for refreshments and a chat after the service.
Take and Make - Free Food Stall and Warm Hub
on Thursday 13th February
from 1:15 to 3pm
To see Church and District weekly notices - Click Here
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Calendar of Events
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Church Life

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Recent Articles
Inclusive Church
Take and Make - Free Food Table
Lilly Milnes - Little video - Two eyes
Holiday Club Quiz
Make a Sock Puppet
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